Digital Marketing

Why Your Business Needs an Active Instagram Account

6 years ago

Instagram is one of the social media platforms that enjoys a huge following over the internet. Those who use this site on a daily basis are more than 500 million, and posts over 95 million pictures plus videos. With such a huge presence of users from all over the world, Instagram is no doubt a powerful marketing tool for businesses. No wonder huge enterprises like Coca-Cola, Adidas, and Dior are leveraging on the possibilities Instagram can provide. You could even get a boost from the start with help from Growthsilo and the like. If your business is not on Instagram yet, it is time to join the bandwagon because it continues to grow in importance. Here are reasons to join as soon as possible.

Numbers Don’t Lie

An intelligent business person will market their brand where there are many people, and Instagram has close to a billion subscribers waiting for you to show them what you are selling. Joining and dedicating an Instagram strategy will reach this audience and help you get a share of the market. Thus, increasing the spread of the word about your products and brand. You can also use websites like EarthWeb to help with bringing up your online presence as well as extending your reach as you build on your customer base.

Instagram is currently one of the most popular social media platforms. It’s no surprise that many businesses prioritize it in their digital marketing campaigns. To say it has a large audience would be an understatement. However, Instagram’s reach does not guarantee that your profile will be noticed. After all, more active users imply more posts competing for each other’s attention. The goal of having a large social media following isn’t to have a vanity number to brag about – at least, it shouldn’t be. You can find new people who are interested in your product or service and want to hear more from you by growing your Instagram following, whether by buying followers or promoting your brand through other platforms. Also, if you’re wondering whether it’s a good idea to buy Instagram followers, here’s the answer: if there’s another way to reach your target audience much faster, it only makes sense to take it, right?

Opportunity for All Businesses

Whether your business is just a startup, a small entity, or an international enterprise, you have an equal marketing opportunity on Instagram. Joining Instagram to tackle your intimidating competitors is ideal. So, you can keep an active presence of your brand thereby posting at least once each day to help your company thrive.

Direct Income Through Sales

One of the important features of Instagram is its incorporation of shoppable posts that allow you to place tags and links to the photos you post. The links can avail descriptions and prices of your products that lead to your online store for purchases. Given that 72% of Instagram users purchase products through this platform, it would be foolish to ignore this feature.

Partner to Influence

Instagram comes with its own celebrities you can partner with to make your brand known. These could be personalities or other brands. It is through these partnerships that you reach millions and increase your sales to the levels you wouldn’t reach without it. You will only need a few posts if you select the right influencers.

Quick and Easy Engagement

The fact that you can interact with your consumers in real time is a reason enough to join Instagram today. You can answer their queries, combat misconceptions about your products, and convince them to buy. Your shoppers can air their view as well through comments. And if they like your products, they will not only comment but also like and share to reach a wider audience. Another way of building your audience could be through deciding to buy real instagram followers to bump up that follower count and get more people engaged!

Monitoring Your Competition

Instagram offers you a chance to monitor your competitors in many ways. You can see how they interact, what they post, how frequently they post, how they engage, and who they employ as their influencers. Learn from their mistakes and copy to better and refine your strategy.

Optimization Through Hashtags

People often search for information on social media by using hashtags. You have 30 hashtag chances on every post you put on Instagram. Therefore, it is a great opportunity to brand your hashtags for your target audience to find you. You may not be one of the big brands yet, but optimizing your business through hashtags will enable you to stand out from the crowd.

Instagram consumers demand quick information portrayed in photos and videos. When you join Instagram you can use your creativity to communicate precisely to your audience to bring about conversions and increase the value of your business. Eventually, both you and your consumers get what you covet faster: Results!

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